Latest news
The usual touch-ups
I mean, it's better than nothing, right?I've had a lot of free time recently, which I've partially spent maintaining this site. There's a handful of new stuff coming, so be on the lookout for that!
We've recently hit 300 buttons! Can you believe that? I know I can't. The collection is still subject to be growing so hopefully the 400 milestone will be reached in no time. It's still kind of insane, I would've never seen myself as a button collector years ago yet here we are. Also, we've reached a total of 3 followers! It's not as impressive but given that the site has been dormant from followers for several years I appreciate that its brought a handful of people through. Shoutouts to wizardzz, xxmyonlyfrenxx and motivatedtomato for being the first three! We're also 2,000 views away from 40k so I'll be patiently waiting on that too.
As for other changes, you can see at the lower left corner there's a new visitor counter! Unfortunately replacing the previous "cool links" though, even if they were there as space filler. I've recently tweaked the CSS for Santor's Awesome Adventure for more convenience, like the [S] page looking off-center for some reason. There might be something in store for Santor too... I'll keep you all updated.
Thanks for reading!