These are links that were originally hidden somewhere in the old layout (linked below), and are now easily accesible through this webpage!

sunner's neocity (OLD)

Includes most of the old layout you might've known, doesn't include some of the subpages.

Sunner's 88x31 Button Collection

A not-so extensive collection of the buttons that are scrolling in the top bar. Some buttons may contain hyper-links.


A shitpost-ish MS Paint Fan Adventure that took a slightly serious storyline halfway through. It is currently on indefinite hiatus.


A one-off spoof of another webcomic, [MEDIOCRE RIDE], about a psychopath french ghost with a creepy smile.

Viajando a algún lado (ESPAÑOL)

Originally made for some schoolwork, they insisted on using Wix.com but never in my life would I touch that website. Also because this was in the peak of sunner's neocity.

The Green Podcast (ESPAÑOL)

Also made for some schoolwork, except the website wasn't actually part of it. Please excuse the heavy accents.