January 15th, 2025
i hope you like this layout, it's not 100% accurate but i tried my best. it's made with desktop in mind so sorry mobile users!
roblox has been a prominent part in my life, i come back to play it every now and then.
playing in late 2016, and making an account in mid 2017 i can't underestimate just how much its influenced me. i remember playing so much roblox that with my dad finding out it's a "hangout game" he installed a completely unrelated game that i can't recall the name of, that game is still pretty mysterious to me because i remember little to nothing about it, just a really empty grass field.
joining roblox in 2017 is what i could call "barely og" because it was in a time that roblox itself was starting to change drastically, tix died the year prior, guests were removed, rthro was announced, the logo was completely revamped, among other things. i can't say i wasn't familiar with previous iterations of roblox either, since i was semi-actively playing in 2016 as a guest.
i'm not too sure what games i even played in my guest phase, but i vividly remember joining undertale and fnaf roleplay games solely to wander around the maps. i didn't talk to anyone, i didn't know anyone AND i didn't understand anything that they could've been talking about. but for me, exploration was the utmost fun i could ever have. not to say i didn't have fun after making an account, i only made one in 2017 because that's when i finally figured out how to make "good" passwords.

i've made several accounts in 2017, in fact, i originally thought i had made like two, but one time when i was logging in with email i realized i had around 4 others. where did i even find the time to make that many? i guess i was really trying out the new password-making thing. these accounts are collecting dust now though, since i eventually stuck out to just one, which you might've seen in the contact page. i have a lot of fond memories with it, like... making a shitty minion avatar similar to those memes made by Flamingo and something about pepsiman. it sucks a little because i only got around to spending money and getting robux in 2023, so i missed out on a LOT of items. like that bear mask. does anyone remember when everyone wore that?

not to say i didn't have robux then, even if it was only 80 bux that a friend gifted me. that i spent on weird meme shirts.

i played a lot of those meme games like running in the 90s or something, dab simulator, the one called "Hmm" thats like an area 51 of basically outdated memes, and chaos washers. chaos washers isn't actually a meme game but it's one i also remember a lot. there was also the more popular games at the time, like the normal elevator, meepcity, jailbreak, speed run 4. i remember playing that Bloxwatch HQ game too, and making a fake "hacker" account to go along with it. do people still remember that myth? there was a lot of "Bloxwatch HQ" games but i remember playing a specific one a LOT. i was really into it.

i played a lot of roblox until early 2020, where i essentially grew a little tired of it. not in the sense that i matured, but there was a lot of other things for me to do in the quarantine. sucks because 2020 was roblox's peak in players, but also the slow beginning of that metaverse shill they did. i believe that one of the main reasons i gave it up was because of my lack of robux LOL, but that's not to say i completely quit playing it. i played every now and then until 2023 where i was enlightened by this thing called "Microsoft Rewards" which is microsoft's way of motivating users to use their Bing search engine. there was a lot of prizes, and robux was one of them. the cooler prizes were region-locked too though so there's that. after all those years, a LEGIT robux generator no scam free 2019 no virus free? i was immediately drawn to it.
when i got my first 100 robux from microsoft rewards, i quickly bought a very simple but cool outfit for it. his name is "obbius obbyer" because he really likes obbies.

since then, microsoft rewards was what motivated to start playing roblox again, and in the way i discovered really awesome games like nico's nextbots which i still don't know how i managed it to run in my really shitty computer. im still using that computer by the way, i don't have any other option HI!! i used microsoft rewards frequently until i got BANNED, for good reason though, because i was grinding out with a vpn and a bot.
i've been playing roblox more frequently and buying more outfits in the way, one could say the showoff is what really keeps me playing. which isn't really true, but i like the new outfits.

roblox is constantly changing, either for great or for worse. it really depends on how you look at it. i'm personally pissed off that they pulled some faces offsale just to shill their "dynamic faces" thing, but whatever. THEY TOOK THE :3 FACE FROM ME!! but it obviously isn't all that bad, you can still find some really great games if you look hard enough. roblox has always been associated to be childish, and with whatever developer drama they have going on, i believe that people can give it a second chance. several games have suffered from the same "childish" phase, but have been given a new opportunity like minecraft, fortnite, or fnaf.
sorry if this was more about me rather than roblox as a whole, roblox has a lot but a LOT of history that can be covered. but it's something i wanted to share about myself. thanks for reading!