March 6, 2025

im writing this just two hours after everything happened, this is more of a storytime instead of a normal topic blog.

around tuesday the 4th at night, i noticed that microsoft was asking for me to log in to my account again and i thought that was a little weird. i tried again and again but i just couldn't get to log in. i tried resetting the password when i noticed the email had a different domain, "dentalmail.su" whatever that is. i thought "did they get me now?" and tried again, i looked things up like why is it not letting me in and even made a new local account to figure things out.

i did figure something out, the account's email was now to a certain "stephenson922122@dentalmail.su". whoever that was. i looked it up, and LITERALLY IN THE WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE FOR THE .SU DOMAIN says that it's associated with hackers and scammers. i thought "damn", but i had made a new account with my real email anyway because it's not like there was that much of a loss in that microsoft account. onedrive only had my notes that i still have locally in my computer and some really old files from 6 years that i didn't care about anymore.

whatever, the new guy can stay with that account, what does he get anyway? a few old files from younger me? they weren't that important. i set up my new account and now im currently using it. going back to today in march 6th, i noticed that trying to access my microsoft account dashboard, it constantly asks me for my password and just won't let me access it. what's up with that? i looked it up but all the fixes were focused on Outlook specifically, and i don't use Outlook. at least for my personal mail.

that didn't matter right now, at least i was still logged in in some places.

forward to me using discord normally, when suddenly i get a dm from a friend and i notice that FROM MY END i said something about 50$ steam gift card.

what the fuck is going on?

i notice all the dms coming in, it's all the 50 DOLLAR STEAM GIFT CARD SCAM. more and more dms, im getting kicked from servers because of this scam thing. here's the thing though, I STILL HAD MY DISCORD OPEN. i could see everything, and i tried my best to dm everyone that i was being compromised while it was going on. suddenly, i got logged out and an email saying that my account was compromised and to reset my password.

i obviously reset my password, and it logged out from everything including the "Buffalo, New York" VPN the guy was using.

i accessed my discord again, still panicking, but i wasn't able to dm anyone because that was revoked from me until 30 minutes later. i talked in every server i could to say that i was still here, and i had no idea what happened. people told me to check every account EVER that i could've possibly logged in on and change password in a timely manner, which i am still in the process of the doing so, right now i changed what i thought were most important like discord again, steam and google. despite the scam being steam related, my steam wasn't actually compromised. i checked all the sessions and they were all from my same location so there's that. i still changed the password anyway.

i added more layers of verification to my google, like more 2fa and having to check my phone everytime i want to log in, as well as logging out of all other sessions that weren't my current computer and phone.

i checked my windows defender and malware bytes and they all turned out fine, so i still have no idea what happened. i also downloaded WARP from cloudflare which i heard hides your ip while browsing the internet, not a VPN, but just hides your ip so it's neat. i deleted all of my browser's cookies and logging back in everything to reset the password.

my discord is fine now, i still have to rejoin certain servers i was in before but that's just a minor inconvenience. and i can access my microsoft account normally, there wasn't anything in the login attempts history though, so maybe it was something on microsoft's end.

i guess this could be my lesson from the "piracy" entry.

thanks for reading!

#hacked #piracy #password #discord #WTF