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Welcome to the new sunner's neocity!
Now looks like every other website you might've seen before!but it's still significantly better, isn't it?
I made this website way back in late 2020, since I saw everyone around me owning a Neocities page. But how could I make an interesting page as them if I didn't even know anything about HTML? That was until I made a MYSPACE93 page halfway through 2021, and I learned a lot even if it was from stealing everyone else's CSS code. That led me to making the page you (might've) knew for all those years.
This neocity has been through a lot; a fan adventure, a green podcast, strange vent subpages, a webcomic spoof, homework and other things that I prefer not to talk about. I'm surprised its lasted this long without me deciding to wipe it off because of how barely maintained it has been for the past months. But recently, I finally settled to clean it up, but not clean it up with a lot of effort but enough to make it look significantly better.
I hope you like the new layout! I'll be using this for the rest of the new pages so it feels a lot more consistent. I also hope you really like the 88x31 button marquee, I spent way too much time on it than I did working on the rest of this new layout, WAY. TOO. MUCH. TIME.
Thanks for reading!