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Brand new 404 page

Hell. Yes.

I've been focusing a lot on a major website update that I'm not even sure you guys would like. It's a lot, well not really but in terms of content it kind of is. I'm looking forward to releasing it soon, maybe I started working on it a little TOO in advance...

In cool news, there's a new 404 page! You can check it out by typing whatever gibberish in your browser. I hope you didn't get used to seeing a cheeky Hawaii: Part II reference because I was getting really tired of it. I've never realized how much of an enemy Javascript is to me, it's like a feral beast you need to tame, because it REALLY FUCKING HATES YOU but you eventually workaround it. Hope you guys are looking forward to getting lost more frequently!

We just hit 40,000 views! Maybe it doesn't mean a lot in general Neocities terms but getting 40,000 views in your personal website is, at least for me, really insane. I don't know if to look forward for 50,000 since that might be a little too ambitious milestone, I appreciate the 40k nonetheless.

Thanks for reading!